Top Of The Week

How Can HEPA Air Cleaners Help Prevent COVID-19?

When used correctly, air and HVAC filters can help reduce airborne contaminants, including viruses, in a building or...

Ultimate HVAC Air Conditioning Tune Up Specials in Palm City

HVAC Air Conditioning Tune Up Specials in Palm City FLIn the sweltering heat of Palm City, FL, your air conditioner works ...

Is MERV 13 Too High for Residential Homes?

When it comes to air quality in residential homes, filters with a MERV rating of 17 to 20 are rarely necessary. A MERV...

Is a MERV 8 Filter Enough for Allergies?

When you upgrade from a cheap fiberglass air filter to a MERV 8 filter, you are adding a lot more protection. This type...

Is a MERV 13 Filter Enough to Protect Against COVID-19?

For this, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of...

Is MERV 13 Enough to Protect Against COVID-19?

For this, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a MERV rating of 13 or higher. This is more...

Recent Post

How MERV 8 Filters Work

MERV 8 Air FiltersAir filters play a crucial role in improving indoor air quality and protecting occupants from harmful...

Benefits of Attic Insulation Installation Services in Parkland FL

Attic Insulation Installation Services in Parkland FLThis article explores the benefits of attic insulation installation...

The Benefits of Professional Duct Repair Service in Doral FL

Duct Repair Service in Doral FLThis provides an overview of the duct repair service in Doral, FL. It aims to inform...

What is the Best Merv Rating for Home Use?

Overall, the best Merv rating for a home is between 8 and 10.These filters will capture a large portion of airborne...

Do Merv 8 Filters Restrict Air Flow?

Usually, a filter with a higher MERV rating will reduce airflow. However, there are many other factors at play, such as...

Is a MERV 8 Rating Good Enough for Your Home?

MERV 8 air filters are a popular choice for residential homes due to their affordability and above average air filtration ...

What are the Disadvantages of Using the Highest MERV Rated Filters?

In general, filters with higher MERV ratings capture higher percentages of particulate matter as well as smaller...

Best AC Air Conditioning Repair Services in Riviera Beach FL

AC Air Conditioning Repair Services in Riviera Beach FLWhen the scorching heat of Riviera Beach, FL hits, the last thing...

Editors Picks

Is a Merv 12 Filter Good for Your HVAC System?

Is a Merv 12 Filter Good for Your HVAC System?

MERV ratings are a scale from 1 to 16 that measure the minimum efficiency of an air filter. Filters with ratings of 9-12...

What is the Right Merv Rating for Your Home?

What is the Right Merv Rating for Your Home?

Generally speaking, anything under a MERV 13 air filter should provide very efficient air purification in a house without ...

Which Filter is Better: Merv 8 or 11?

Which Filter is Better: Merv 8 or 11?

When it comes to air filters, the MERV rating is a measure of how effectively the filter removes materials from the air...

Do Merv 13 Filters Help with Allergies?

Do Merv 13 Filters Help with Allergies?

These are truly the best air conditioning filters for allergies and asthma. Merv 13 filters are the best home air filters ...

Does a Merv 8 Air Filter Restrict Airflow?

Does a Merv 8 Air Filter Restrict Airflow?

The short answer is that it can, but it's not really a problem except in extreme circumstances. Most modern HVAC systems...

Enhanced HVAC Air Conditioning Tune Up in Palm City FL

Enhanced HVAC Air Conditioning Tune Up in Palm City FL

HVAC Air Conditioning Tune-up in Palm City FLAre you looking for a way to keep your air conditioning system running...