Is Merv 11 the Right Air Filter Rating for You?

MERV 11 air filters are a great choice for pet owners and people with mild allergies or asthma. They offer more filtration than MERV 8 filters, trapping pollen, dust, lint, dust mites, mold, smoke, pet dander, smog, car emissions, bacteria and other fine particles. MERV 11 filters block at least 65-79% of airborne particulates in the 1.0 to 3.0 micron size range. This rating is more efficient than MERV 8 and 11 with the ability to filter even more allergens out of the air.

If you're trying to decide between a MERV 8 air filter and a Merv 11 air filter, here's what you need to know. In addition to everything that MERV 8 and MERV 11 filters trap, MERV 13 filters also trap tobacco smoke, fire smoke, contaminants in body fluids released by sneezing, and coughs and bacteria. MERV 13 filters are rarely used in residential homes, except for people with extreme filtration needs, such as an immunocompromised person or someone receiving palliative care at home. MERV 11 filters work better in residential homes with filtration needs than MERV 8 filters, commercial buildings, senior living facilities, and non-surgical hospital areas.

Use a MERV 8-13 filter depending on your family's needs and environment, and start using an indoor air quality monitor to help you determine if a separate air purification system is needed. This comparison chart helps highlight the differences between MERV 8 and MERV 11 filters to make it easier to decide which one will work best. If you have pets or someone in your household has significant allergy problems, you can consider a higher MERV value between 8 and 10. If you need a visual breakdown of what Merv ratings look like for air filters, take a look at these comparison tables. Overall, Merv 11 air filters are an excellent choice for pet owners and people living with certain health conditions such as mild allergies or mild asthma. They offer more filtration for cleaner air than the MERV 8 but don't filter as much as the Merv 13 (the highest suggested option for residential use).

AnnMarie Noland
AnnMarie Noland

Amateur coffee expert. Certified twitter enthusiast. Wannabe web aficionado. Certified web trailblazer. Proud twitter buff.

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